Here are five stories you might have missed from Huntsville last week
The Lede is Alabama Media Group’s daily dive into the news of the day, curated by our team of reporters, editors and producers. Here are five local news stories you missed last week if you aren’t subscribing:
· In our weekly Sunday Q&A, environmental justice activist Catherine Flowers talked about how her Huntsville-based organization fights for better conditions across the state.
· Lede reporter Scott Turner shed light on the concerns about traffic and schools raised by the upcoming 92 acre Big Cove Village project.
· Music critic Matt Wake showed why Wanda Wesolowski is the best up and coming songwriter in the city.
· After’s Paul Gattis revealed Huntsville Utilities’ plan to raise rates, Scott Turner showed the trickle down might raise rates for Madison County customers, too.
· Lee Roop introduced you to some of the NASA scientists working to send a crew back to the moon.
BTW – every issue of the Lede has a page designed to tell you how to navigate The Lede. It even has a cool YouTube video.
The Lede is a work in progress, and we’re making it better every day. We want to hear from you. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send me a note at [email protected].