Here are five Mobile area stories you might have missed last week

Here are five Mobile area stories you might have missed last week

There were a lot of significant local stories last week in the Mobile area. Here five things you might not have seen unless you read the Lede.

· In our Sunday Q&A (out today) the Lede’s Margaret Kates talked to not one but two Baldwin County Schools officials about how they’re managing a growing system.

· Kates reported on how that Dauphin Street building that recently burned was slated for historic preservation – an ongoing need in the port city.

· Kates asked five questions of State Sen. Greg Albritton and his answers might surprise you – or maybe not.

· And if you’re in the newly annexed areas of west Mobile, or even if you’re not, Kates told you the five things you need to know about how garbage pickup is about to change.

· If you haven’t seen it yet, Friday has become the regular day to get in on the Lede’s exclusive College Football Picks contest.

Every day of every week, there’s a lot more local news, not to mention state, national and world events worth reading about in the Lede. And each edition has a page designed to tell you how to navigate The Lede. It even has a cool YouTube video.

We’re working to make the Lede better every day and we want your input. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send me a note at [email protected].