Guest opinion: Rage and the Alabama execution by the novel method of nitrogen hypoxia

Guest opinion: Rage and the Alabama execution by the novel method of nitrogen hypoxia

This is a guest opinion column

In March of 1988, Elizabeth Sennett was brutally murdered by two hitmen hired by her husband, Charles Sennett. One of those hitmen was Kenneth Smith. These facts are not in dispute. Nor should they be. What was done to Elizabeth Sennett should never be forgotten…ever. However, we remember evil so as not to perpetuate it…not as a means of manufacturing rage.

In the State of Alabama, a great many want to see Kenneth Smith executed. The present self-serving platitudes of politicians illustrate as much. There are even those who say they would execute Smith themselves. Such people illustrate why rage is something we travel through, not to. Indeed, these people most often know nothing about the case or anything that surrounds it. They just want a reason to rage. Manufactured rage causes us to do really stupid things.

Related: Alabama Death Row minister says religious liberty lawsuit settled ahead of nitrogen execution

Nitrogen execution ‘hostile toward religion,’ Alabama Death Row spiritual advisor alleges in lawsuit

Presently, I serve as Kenneth Smith’s spiritual advisor. Of course, Smith is shortly scheduled to be executed by the novel method of nitrogen hypoxia. Let there be no doubt, I am opposed to the death penalty. I find it barbaric. I know Smith. I could fill pages with reasons why you shouldn’t execute him. I could tell you that it is evil to kill people. I could tell you that the jury didn’t sentence Smith to death. I could tell you about the proud father and grandfather that he has become. I could tell you about the worship services he helps lead. Unfortunately, the State of Alabama has repeatedly ignored such arguments and I have no doubt that my arguments would meet the same demise. Such reflex is part of maintaining manufactured rage. Dismiss everything reasonable to keep trying to meet evil with evil…while calling it something other than evil.

Nitrogen hypoxia is an untested unproven form of execution. Never has nitrogen intentionally forced into the lungs of the condemned through a mask until there is no oxygen left. Kenneth Smith is basically going to be suffocated to death. Since no one has ever been executed by nitrogen hypoxia before, we simply don’t know the extent of the evil that might be unleashed. I am convinced that a great many like the cruel and unusual nature of it all. Of course, they haven’t had to have the conversations that our family has.

Throughout history, spiritual advisors have accompanied the condemned to their executions. In recent years, the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly protected such a right. Since I serve in this role with Kenneth Smith, I will be there with him in the chamber. In a waiver I was forced to sign, the State of Alabama has basically admitted that while they know the nitrogen poses a risk to me in the chamber…they’re just not sure how big of a risk. How many times have you heard government tell us to trust them…only to be given over to dreadful consequences? Like you, I don’t trust government in the slightest. Can you imagine allowing government to have this level of control on your life? Manufactured rage seems to grow dumber with time. An experimental form of execution that could kill everybody in the room in the event of a leak? Come on…

Can you imagine if ministers throughout the State of Alabama were forced to sign a waiver… To preach next Sunday? To offer communion? To lead the choir? To pray? To counsel? There are few greater forms of tyranny that I can think of than government forcing ministers to sign waivers to live out their callings. Yet here we are. The State that claims to fight tyranny the most, being amongst the chief perpetuator of it. Manufactured rage strikes again.

Trust is not manufactured. It is earned. So, if the State of Alabama wants me to trust it in this process then send Governor Kay Ivey into the chamber with me. If the nitrogen leaks, the Governor and I can go see Jesus together. Indeed, I’ve heard that she too is a person of strong faith. I hope that hers like mine rests on more than just government.

Presently, I only know to follow my faith. If I am to give my life, so be it. God has called me to stand with those that nobody else will. The risks be damned.

Honestly, I still can’t believe this conversation is even necessary. Don’t people know that murder is wrong? Don’t people want to stop killing each other? Don’t people want to figure out ways to save lives rather than destroying them? Don’t people think that suffocating another person is at least a little problematic? Don’t people even try to love their enemies anymore? Don’t people…? The questions seem endless.

Manufacturing rage is a foolish task with no moral destination. The bizarre risks and consequences of nitrogen hypoxia prove it. Surely, Elizabeth Sennett deserves more than all of this.

The Rev. Dr. Jeff Hood is the spiritual advisor for Alabama Death Row inmate Kenneth Eugene Smith. Hood recently settled a lawsuit with the state of Alabama that Hood says will allow him to anoint Kenneth Smith’s with oil and share the Holy Eucharist with him and place his hands on Smith’s feet while praying and reading scripture during the execution.