Guest opinion: Montgomery your vote counts for the Aug. 22 city election

Guest opinion: Montgomery your vote counts for the Aug. 22 city election

This is a guest opinion column

As the summer sun continues to cast its warm glow over Montgomery, Alabama, another significant event is quickly approaching – the City of Montgomery municipal election scheduled for August 22nd. The upcoming municipal election presents a pivotal opportunity for every citizen to shape the future of our vibrant community. While state and national elections may capture headlines, it’s at the local level where our voices hold the most influence, where decisions ripple through our daily lives like the gentle waves of the Alabama River.

The importance of voting cannot be overstated. While it might be tempting to view state and national elections as the primary arenas for wielding influence, it is at the local level where the decisions made by elected officials resonate most closely with our daily lives. As we head to the polls on August 22nd, it is worth reflecting on the truth that the officials we elect to city council and mayoral positions have a direct and tangible impact on our neighborhoods, schools, infrastructure, and public services.

The August 22nd municipal election is not just another day on the calendar – it’s an opportunity to elect leaders who will shape our city’s destiny. This year’s race for mayor is a testament to the importance of local governance, with four qualified candidates vying for the chance to lead our community forward. The spirited competition not only fuels engaging debates but also reminds us that the path we tread is ours to define.

Similarly, the competitive city council races in seven out of the nine districts spotlight the significance of local representation. These races offer us a chance to select individuals who understand the unique nuances of our neighborhoods and are committed to addressing the issues that hit closest to home. Remember, in the 2019 municipal election, a city council race was decided by a mere eight votes – a clear reminder that every vote, every voice, matters greatly.

With such a diverse field of candidates, voters have the opportunity to select leaders who best align with their values and priorities. But remember, in order to participate in shaping the future of Montgomery, you must first know where to cast your vote.

Before you head to the polls on August 22nd, make sure you know your polling precinct. To find this information, you can contact the Board of Registrars at (334) 832-1215, visit the Secretary of State’s website at, or go to the Montgomery Election Center’s website at Additionally, the Probate Court’s mobile app is another convenient way to find your designated polling precinct.

It is crucial to recognize that electing officials who truly represent our interests is not only a right but also a responsibility. The adage that “bad officials are elected by good people who do not vote” rings truer than ever. Our community’s future hinges on the active participation of each and every citizen.

Montgomery, let’s rise to the occasion. Let’s honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and fought for our right to have a say. Every vote we cast on August 22nd is a vote for our community, for the betterment of our city, and for the preservation of the legacy we hold dear. Let’s ensure that our neighborhoods, schools, and businesses thrive under the guidance of capable leaders who understand the heartbeat of our city.

See you at the polls on August 22nd. Let’s stand united, shoulder to shoulder, and write the next chapter in the story of our remarkable Montgomery. Your vote, your voice – together, we shape our destiny.

J.C. Love, III is probate judge for Montgomery County