Guest opinion: Building essential broadband infrastructure across Alabama

Guest opinion: Building essential broadband infrastructure across Alabama

This is a guest opinion column

Infrastructure is critical to almost every aspect of daily life.

You can’t get to work without roads, you can’t light your home without access to electricity, and you can’t access running water without a clean, steady water supply.

But there is one key form of infrastructure that many folks simply don’t have access to, even to this day. This infrastructure is just as important to daily life in a 21st Century economy as running water, electricity, plumbing or waste management.

That need is statewide access to broadband infrastructure.

You can think of broadband as the “road system” that gives households and business access to high-speed internet service.

High-speed internet access affects virtually every aspect of daily life in today’s world, whether that be remote working, staying connected digitally, operating a business, improving educational opportunities, accessing health care, and other areas far too numerous to name.

And the ability to have that access should not be determined by your ZIP code but should be available to all Alabamians.

That’s why at the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA), as the state agency responsible for mapping, planning, and providing grant funds to expand this key infrastructure, we are hard at work every day making this a possibility for all who call our state home.

And we are making great progress.

Gov. Kay Ivey and the legislature have taken this issue to heart and made it clear that this is a top priority for the state. They have backed this up with ambitious action, positioning Alabama as a national leader in being innovative and aggressive in supporting expansion of broadband infrastructure.

The legislature passed, and Gov. Ivey signed into law, the Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund, through which we have invested $63.9 million in state funding through grant awards supporting 100 projects throughout the state. Through this program, over 22,000 previously unserved addresses now have access to high-speed internet service, and nearly 37,500 more unserved addresses are expected to have access to high-speed internet service in the next two years.

Once completed, that’s about 60,000 Alabama households, businesses and community institutions that will have access that previously had no option to subscribe.

That’s a big accomplishment and an Alabama success story that should serve as an example to other states on how to be intentional and effective in expanding broadband access.

In 2021, through the Governor’s signing of the Connect Alabama Act, our state’s broadband expansion efforts were streamlined through the creation of the Digital Expansion Division at ADECA to develop and execute a statewide connectivity plan and to continue administering the broadband accessibility grant program.

And last September, Gov. Ivey announced an $82 million grant for a Statewide Middle Mile Network– you can think of this as an interstate system for broadband infrastructure to access points across the state.

ADECA has developed the Alabama Broadband Map, which incorporates real data from 91% of the state’s residential internet service providers to offer an interactive, easy-to-use guide that provides insights into where broadband is and where it isn’t in Alabama. To get to where you’re going, you need to know how to get there. This map does just that and sets a new national standard for state-level broadband mapping.

We also have boots on the ground at the local level through programs such as the Alabama Community Broadband Technical Assistance Program (TAP) meetings, which are offered to each of Alabama’s 67 counties to provide assistance and receive feedback from stakeholders at the local level on broadband needs and opportunities.

With a goal as extensive and robust as expanding high-speed internet access to all Alabamians, it’s going to take time, commitment, resources, and focus to make it a reality. As Gov. Ivey often says, broadband expansion is a journey and not a short trip.

It will take continued support from the legislature as our state supports the Governor’s vision of high-speed internet for all. It will take buy-in from local leaders, stakeholders, internet service providers, and community members – working together to get this done.

I’m proud of the work our state has done so far on this issue and its resulting accomplishments. I appreciate all of those who have put their time and energy into making broadband expansion a reality. And I look forward to continuing to build out this essential infrastructure across the great state of Alabama.

Kenneth Boswell is director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA), which is responsible for expanding high-speed internet access to addresses across the state.