Gary Palmer unveils ‘Palmer’s Principles’ platform in bid for House speaker

Gary Palmer unveils ‘Palmer’s Principles’ platform in bid for House speaker

Shortly before the House Republican Conference was set to hear pitches from the nine members vying for House speaker, Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Hoover, on Monday unveiled a five-point plan for how the chamber would operate should he be elected to the post.

Palmer released “Palmer’s Principles,” his platform in his bid to become House speaker, in which the Alabama congressman appeared to take digs at the candidates with higher national profiles.

“Congress has been kicking the can down the road since before I was elected,” Palmer said in a statement late Monday afternoon. “We don’t need a person or a personality, we need a plan. That is what I can bring to the American people as Speaker of the House. My plan to bring stability back to the House consists of five commonsense points.”

The “Palmer Principles” include:”

Fund the government on time with all single subject appropriations bills passing the House by June 30th

  • Real spending cuts, NOT budget gimmicks
  • No short term CRs
  • Enforce a true 72-hour rule allowing members and the American people time to review legislation
  • Unite the Republican Conference before going to the House floor

After the nine candidates make their case to Republican members Monday night, the full House is expected to vote on a new speaker Tuesday.

“The American people deserve a Republican Conference that is unified, transparent, and committed to the job. Before we vote tomorrow, every candidate should commit to these principles,” Palmer said.