Fred the tortoise to celebrate Ross Bridge eviction reprieve Sunday

Fred the tortoise to celebrate Ross Bridge eviction reprieve Sunday

There will be smiles of joy instead of tearful goodbyes when the owner of the Fred the tortoise, who was threatened with eviction from Ross Bridge, holds a party for the reptile and concerned community members on Sunday.

Jayden Cannon is using fundraising money that would have been spent on fighting Fred’s eviction on tacos and a shaved ice truck to throw a party celebrating the development’s decision allowing Fred to stay.

The Sulcata tortoise has been a member of the Cannon household since Christmas 2015, when Jayden’s parents got him Fred as a gift.

Tortoises are not allowed in Ross Bridge. But at the time Fred came to the development eight years ago, the development did not ban the reptile.

The Ross Bridge Homeowner’s Association decided Fred can stay, but that wasn’t before a social media outcry and a “Save Fred” campaign raised money to help Jayden.

On Sunday, at the green space behind La Paz Ross Bridge, Jayden and his family — with Fred in tow — are having a party to mark the occasion.

“As long as Fred cooperates, he will be in attendance, so kids can come and feed him or pet him!” Jayden said. “Kona Ice will be there from 1 to 3. Live entertainment. We will be using the #SaveFred funds raised to provide tacos from La Paz. Please BYOB, or purchase drinks from La Paz.”

Jayden said he was heartened by his neighbors’ rallying around him.

“A huge thank you to all of our neighbors for your support. We had no idea how popular Fred is!” he said.