Florida charter captain who saved multiple lives fired after temper tantrum caught on video

Florida charter captain who saved multiple lives fired after temper tantrum caught on video

Social media outrage has resulted in a Florida charter captain who has saved multiple lives being fired after a video of a profanity-laced tirade directed at a customer who hit the boat’s throttle and nearly tossed the captain overboard was posted to Facebook.

Capt. Chris Lassen recently was aboard a Two Conchs Charters fishing boat with Phil Barker of Manchester, England, and his two sons, ages 9 and 12, according to the caption which accompanied Barker’s Facebook video.

Capt. Jack Carlson of Two Conchs Charters said Lassen was at the back of the boat with some mahi the group had just caught when Barker, by his own admission, slipped and hit the throttle, causing the boat to lurch forward and Lassen to go off the back of the boat.

Only the dive platform attached to the boat prevented Lassen from possibly falling into the rotating propeller, according to Carlson.

After Lassen pulled himself back on the boat, he launched into his profane outburst directed at Barker, with the two boys looking on. It’s unclear from the video or Barker’s post who recorded the incident, which Barker posted to Facebook last week.

“Disaster fishing trip,” Barker wrote in the post. “My family had a fishing trip with Two Conch Charters. I slipped on the wet floor and touched the throttle, a complete accident. This was the captains (sic) reaction with my 9 year old and 12 year old on board.

“Pretty unbelievable.”

Barker’s post makes no mention of Lassen being thrown over the back of the boat. As of Tuesday, it had drawn over 12,000 comments and been shared nearly 2,500 times and created the typical firestorm among Facebook users, with some defending the captain, but many others offering criticism.

Initially, Two Conchs Charters, while not condoning Lassen’s behavior, stood by the veteran captain.

In a post to the charter company’s Facebook page, Carlson noted once the situation calmed down, the charter trip continued, with Barker and sons catching more fish.

“At the end of the day I believe both parties were wrong with what they did,” Carlson wrote, “and the customer did end up tipping Capt. Chris $200 for his services.”

Carlson also noted Lassen has been credited within the last year with saving five lives in two separate incidents — two lost divers a mile from their own boat and three Cuban refugees on a sinking raft.

Less than 24 hours after the initial Two Conch Charters Facebook post, however, Carlson appeared in a YouTube video for the company, announcing Lassen was no longer employed as a captain. Carlson noted Lassen had been one of 29 captains for the company.

“We hold the captains to the utmost degree of professionalism and customer service,” Carlson said. “No matter what happened, Capt. Chris should not have acted the way he did. His behavior was unacceptable, especially in front of the children.”

As with the original video of the incident, the video announcing Lassen’s dismissal drew mixed reviews, with some applauding the company for taking action, while other ridiculed the decision as simply caving in to social media pressure.