Five Huntsville stories you might have missed from the Lede

Five Huntsville stories you might have missed from the Lede

Last week, the Huntsville Lede covered growth, education, healthcare, and a lot more. Here are just five examples of what you missed if you didn’t read the Lede last week:

· In our Sunday Q&A Decatur Mayor Tab Bowling talked about how his city is reaping the benefits of the escalating job growth in the region.

· Scott Turner, the Lede reporter in Huntsville, revealed the 13 highest paid employees working for the city. Surprise – Mayor Tommy Battle is not one of them.

· Turner also continued his detailed running coverage of the number of apartments being built in the city and why the president of the city council is not the biggest fan of the trend.

· Last week marked the debut of the Lede College Football Picks contest. If you’re a fan, check it out.

· Wondering what’s going on with the former Lewter Hardware site? In Ask The Lede, reporter Bran Strickland explained.

There’s a lot more in every issue of the daily Lede. And each edition has a page designed to tell you how to navigate The Lede. It even has a cool YouTube video.

The Lede is a work in progress, and we’re making it better every day. We want to hear from you. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send me a note at [email protected].