Female believed to be seriously injured, kidnapped after crash near Birmingham cemetery

A female is believed to have been kidnapped and seriously injured following an early-morning crash in Birmingham near Elmwood Cemetery.

Birmingham police have been working all morning to try to identify the victim and find her.

South Precinct officers were dispatched at 2:11 a.m. on a report of a two-vehicle wreck at Sixth Avenue S.W. and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.

Sgt.LaQuitta Wade said officers arrived to find evidence of a possible shooting. Neither of the drivers were still on the scene, and only one vehicle was still there.

The female was the driver of what police believe is a burgundy and black Chevy Traverse,, which is the vehicle that is missing.

Wade said the female victim appeared to be small in stature and was wearing pink Nike sneakers. One sneaker was found at the scene.

There was no other clothing description for her.

The year and tag number of the Chevy Traverse are unknown.

“We believe a crime has occurred and the unidentified female is seriously injured,’’ Wade said.

Anyone who has not heard from or seen their female loved one please call 911 Emergency Services or the BPD Homicide Unit at 205-254-1764.

Tipsters can also call Crime Stoppers at 205-254-7777.