Everything Cadillac Williams said in 1st remarks as Auburn’s interim head coach

Everything Cadillac Williams said in 1st remarks as Auburn’s interim head coach

Cadillac Williams’ first public comments as Auburn’s interim coach came about 48 hours after he assumed the role.

Williams took over as coach of his alma mater Monday afternoon, shortly after the university president Dr. Chris Roberts announced the firing of Bryan Harsin less than two years into his six-year contract. On Wednesday, Williams made his first appearance on the weekly SEC coaches teleconference to discuss the opportunity, what it means to him to be in this position at Auburn, and how he’s approaching the final month of the season.

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Here’s a look at everything Williams had to say Wednesday as he prepares to get Auburn ready for Saturday’s road game at Mississippi State:

CADILLAC WILLIAMS, Auburn interim coach

Opening statement…

“Well, this has been a bittersweet 48 hours. There are coaches that lost their jobs Monday, so it’s been tough and certainly not easy. Lord knows I’m definitely appreciate of Coach Harsin for what he gave the Auburn team the last two years. I’m truly, truly thankful for the opportunity he gave me to be part of this staff. I’m honored for this opportunity as someone who bleeds orange and blue. This school has given me everything. I just truly, truly feel like, man, that the good Lord works in mysterious ways. I’m in this seat for a reason. I wanted to get that off my chest before we get started.

“This team is traveling and going down to play Mississippi State. We’re excited. Definitely excited and looking forward to playing a good team.”

On how he found out Bryan Harsin was fired…

“We found out probably around 11:30. Then from there, everything kind of hit the fan. Around 11:30 the staff and I found out.”

On how he found out he was being named interim coach…

“After around noon, I got the opportunity to meet with Rich, and he informed me that I was going to be the interim. And wow. Emotions were everywhere because, again, Coach Harsin gave me the opportunity to stay on staff, to be part of this thing. It was a tough day for me, but I had the opportunity to address the team and just, wow. I’m honored to have this opportunity. Those players, they were excited. We’re just talking it one day at a time (laughs). This is not ideal, but man, we are definitely looking forward to this challenge.”

On the one thing he wants to see from his team against Mississippi State…

“Well, honestly what I told those guys, what’s going to make me happy these next four weeks, there’s no promises. I don’t know if we’re going to win a ballgame or not. One thing that’s going to make me happy is if we play good football — and hard, Auburn football. I honestly — that’s what I want to get these kids to do, man — play hard and compete. At the end of the day, I told these kids, win, lose or draw, if we do that, not only will we make ourselves proud, but I know the Auburn family will be proud of us, too.”

On if he has interest in the full-time job as Auburn’s coach…

“Honestly, all I’m trying to do is win a football game this week and do my best for these players and this staff and the Auburn family. Honestly, I’m taking it one day at a time — literally, one minute at a time. I’m not even focused on all the what if’s. I’m honestly being where my feet are — not only myself, but also this team.”

On if he has a plan in place for recruiting…

“Yes, sir. I do. I actually do. One of the things I definitely want to get out to recruits and the rest of the world: only at Auburn do dreams come true. I’m forever indebted to this institution. It changed the whole trajectory of the Williams family. I met my wife here; my two boys — Auburn has been so good to me. Every dream I wanted to accomplish, this place gave me the opportunity. Now for me to be in this position, I just want to get it out there: only at Auburn do dreams come true. It’s a lot of guys, from the Bo Jacksons to the Cam Newtons to the Karlos Dansbys to the Carlos Rogers — all the guys that came here and were able to accomplish their dreams and do a lot of great things.”

On his first message to the team…

“Honestly (long pause) — honestly, it was two things. One thing I stressed on was family. Two decades ago, that is one of the main reasons that I chose Auburn University, because of the family atmosphere. I grew up in a big family, and I came here and I loved everything about it, that blue-collar mentality, how not only do they love Auburn football but love Auburn and just love people. So, the people within these walls are what made Auburn great, so that’s one thing I hit on with these players. The second thing is just the hard work, that blue-collar mentality—that relentless effort, you know? Finishing on every play, never quitting, just outworking your opponents in each and every thing you do. Everything that our creed is exemplified by, that is honestly what I shared with those guys in that team meeting.”

On how things have changed for him in last 48 hours…

“Well — personally — it’s been very emotional, at times. I mean, this place is dear to my heart, has done so much for my family and I, has changed my life in so many ways. So, for me to have an opportunity to give back to Auburn in this position as the leader, you know at times it’s heavy, but Lord knows I’m excited, I’m grateful, I’m honored, and I am ready to serve and give all I can to these players, this coaching staff and the Auburn family. Just professionally, all that changes—wow, anybody who knows me, I am a football junkie, love the game of football, and I’m getting a taste of how it is to be a head coach. You get pulled in so many directions of things you have to do. You’re responsible for getting the plans together, then the vision, motivating, getting guys ready. It has kind of taken me away from the ball part of it. Much busier, less sleep at night, but man, I am ecstatic, I’m honored, I’m grateful, and I’m excited by this opportunity.”

On being the first Black head coach in Auburn history, even as an interim title…

“No doubt. You know, just to hear that brings chills. I get goosebumps. Never thought in a million years that I would honestly be in this position, to be honest with you. It never crossed my mind. Got into coaching in 2015 to honestly pour into kids’ lives, to change lives because I benefitted from great coaches in my life. Steven (inaudible), my peewee coach, from Rod Gray(?) my middle school coach, to coach Raymond Farmer, my high school coach, so all I wanted to do, honestly, was change lives. I know how important that is, but for me to get this opportunity and to do it in this seat, again, I am grateful, so honored that the Auburn people at the top that make those decisions—Dr. Roberts gave me this opportunity, along with Rich McGlynn. I’m just honored. I’m excited. I’m ecstatic and looking forward to this challenge.”

Tom Green is an Auburn beat reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Tomas_Verde.