Edgewood Presbyterian Church hosts ministries fair for LGBTQ students

Edgewood Presbyterian Church hosts ministries fair for LGBTQ students

Southside Faith Communities will host an Affirming Ministries Fair for Birmingham-area college students at Edgewood Presbyterian Church, 850 Oxmoor Road in Homewood, on Thursday, Nov. 3, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

The Affirming Ministries Fair aims to provide students with an opportunity to meet ministers and lay people from congregations in the Birmingham area that are affirming of LGBTQ rights. The event is a response to Samford University’s decision to turn away clergy from denominations that affirm LGTBQ rights from taking part in its campus ministry fair.

“The university has a responsibility to formally partner with ministry organizations that share our beliefs,” Samford said in a statement released in September defending its stance.

“Though our views on LGTBQ issues are different from those of Samford’s, I believe we share a similar mission,” said the Rev. Erica Cooper, pastor of Baptist Church of the Covenant in Birmingham.

“Our church hopes to help college students develop a personal faith, follow the ways of Christ and share God’s life-giving love with the world,” Cooper said. “While we are disappointed that we were excluded from Samford’s Ministry Fair this year, we are grateful for this opportunity to meet students and connect them to communities who are eager to help them grow in their faith without requiring them to deny, hide or be ashamed of who they are.”

Several congregations will host tables at Edgewood Presbyterian to provide students with more information about their weekly services, college groups and opportunities to get involved within their communities. College students from all Birmingham metro-based community colleges and universities are encouraged to attend the event.

“We are delighted to partner with dear friends to offer a positive, life-giving response to this painful situation,” said the Rev. Joe Genau, pastor at Edgewood Presbyterian Church. “It is an honor to host what I believe will be a bold witness to students throughout the Birmingham area that there are a whole bunch of communities of faith that love, affirm and celebrate LGBTQ-plus people as created in the image of God.”

Three Samford-connected LGBTQ groups are partnering with Southside Faith Communities to host the Affirming Ministries Fair, including SAFE Samford and OUTLaw, a group for Cumberland Law students that was denied formal recognition, and Prism, an undergraduate group for LGBTQ students and their allies.

The congregations and ministries planning to join the event include Edgewood Presbyterian Church, Baptist Church of the Covenant, First Christian Church, First Church Birmingham, First Prebsyterian Church, Pilgrim Church UCC, Southside Baptist Church, Temple Beth-EL, UKirk Birmingham, Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham, Woodlawn United Methodist Church, Beloved Community Church, Covenant Community Church and Trinity Commons.

See also: Samford defends rejection of Episcopal, Presbyterian campus clergy over pro-LGBTQ stance

Samford turns away Episcopalians, Presbyterians from event due to LGBTQ views, activist says