Design Review: DRC approves signage around the city of Birmingham

Design Review: DRC approves signage around the city of Birmingham

Twice a month, the city of Birmingham’s Design Review Committee convenes to discuss plans to make alterations to structures that fall within one of the city’s many historic and commercial revitalization districts. This column summarizes recent DRC activity with projects grouped by type and location. This edition of Design Review recaps the DRC meeting from June 28, 2023.

Decisions of the DRC, and applicants are responsible to carry out the plans as presented and approved. Any deviations from the approved plans cannot be undertaken without a return to the committee for approval.

East Lake

Signage – 7600 Division Avenue – The 45th Street Baptist Church is requesting an update to their existing pole sign. The proposed monument sign featuring an electronic readerboard will replace it. Although it complies with the district, the project will need a variance from zoning. The aluminum framed sign will cover most of the existing pole within the structure. The committee reminded the presenters that rules for what appears on the readerboard must be submitted to staff and followed. Committee members expressed concerns about safety and security as the new monument sign will block the view of pedestrians.

The committee approved with two opposed.