Democrats talk healthcare in new billboard campaign ahead of Tuscaloosa debate

Democrats talk healthcare in new billboard campaign ahead of Tuscaloosa debate

Ahead of tonight’s Republican presidential debate in Tuscaloosa, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) purchased billboards around the city reminding voters of Republicans’ “extreme” healthcare agenda.

Each of the billboards feature a picture of one of four candidates: former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The text next to the picture reads “Americans to (Candidate’s Last Name). No to healthcare repeal. No to slashing Medicare and Medicaid. No to extreme abortion bans.”

DNC’s National Press Secretary Sarafina Chitika, in a press release, said that Americans have a choice: to re-elect President Biden and “protect Americans’ health care and their fundamental freedoms, or the extreme MAGA agenda that would rip away health care coverage, jack up families’ health care costs, and ban abortion across the country.”

“Let’s be clear: If Donald Trump and the other 2024 Republicans had their way, they’d implement an extreme, unpopular agenda to end the ACA’s protections for preexisting conditions, kick young people off their parents’ health insurance, and strip reproductive freedom away from as many women as possible,” Chitika said.

The four billboards are on University Boulevard, McFarland Boulevard, and 15th Street.