Dear Annie: Should my child drop out of college?

Dear Annie: Should my child drop out of college?

Dear Annie: My daughter, “Jody,” is back in college for her sophomore year. She enjoyed her first year and was looking forward to going back. But she just called me to say that her best friend, “Sally,” who she met at the school, decided to leave college immediately after returning for her second year.

Jody, who is 19, is sad about this and suddenly questioning whether she should stay at the university or leave. Going to this school has been her dream since she was little. She was thrilled on the day when the acceptance letter arrived. Her father and I took her out for a celebration dinner. Remember, at that time, she had never met Sally and didn’t even know she existed.

Yet she would give up her dreams because one friend dropped out?

I am beside myself with worry about Jody’s lack of judgment. She never was like this. Do you have any tips for what my husband and I should say to her to persuade her to stay in school? — Worried Mom

Dear Mom: Relax. Jody is 19, an age where impulsive decisions are common. If you overreact, you might create an unnecessary drama in all of your lives. Remind Jody about how this school has been her dream, and she will continue to fit in and enjoy her college years, undoubtedly with a new best friend. Communicate with her often — daily is fine, for a while — to offer support, encouragement and reinforcement. Let’s hope this is just a phase.

Read more Dear Annie and other advice columns.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].