Dear Annie: Reflecting on the good and bad in 2022 and what’s to come in the New Year

Dear Annie: Reflecting on the good and bad in 2022 and what’s to come in the New Year

Dear Annie: Well, here we are. It is that special time of year: The holiday season is nearly through and New Year’s is once again upon us. I got to thinking about how much I am thankful for. Hopefully, you will allow me to share a special message with your readers.

First, I thank the Creator for allowing me to be here for 82 years and counting, and I thank God for giving my wife the strength to tolerate me for over 51 years (and counting). I give thanks for my two sons, for they have grown into fine young men. One son served for 10 years in the Navy, and he is presently working as a computer analyst and program supervisor. Our other son is working as a computer engineering specialist and program manager. As a proud father, if I do say so myself, it’s been so far so good for both of them, and for that, I give thanks.

On a more personal note, my wife and I suffer from a host of diseases and diagnoses. We take a litany of medications and prescriptions. I give thanks that I have health coverage and live in a country where you and I can receive adequate care and competent treatment. When it comes to my and my family’s health, I give extra thanks for our well-being. I take nothing for granted anymore.

With some reservations and imperfections, I give thanks for being a citizen of the United States. I served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1958 to 1988, achieving the rank of sergeant major. I got to see and experience a lot of the world, its people and cultures. And, believe me, I give thanks for growing up in America. While America is not without her bruises and blemishes, she is still, by far, the best when it comes to freedom, opportunity and progress. In short, America is not perfect, but she is far better than her contemporaries are. And I give thanks for all that.

Further, I give thanks for being able to contribute to the welfare and advancement of others, especially those children and families that are at risk and disadvantaged socially, politically and economically. I thank the Creator that He has enlightened and enabled me to do the best that I can with what I have.

Moreover, I give thanks for all the times, places and people that I forgot to give proper thanks for. I figure it’s time that I reflect upon, remember and treasure all the good times, places and people that I have come across in my life and that have allowed me to continue on the remainder of my journey. I give thanks to all those who helped and empowered me over the years, decades and half-century-plus. I give thanks to all those whose backs and shoulders I have stood and built upon all this time. I give heartfelt thanks for realizing that I have not been alone, nor have I done it all by myself.

Lastly, for all these reasons and so many more, I am truly thankful. I thank the Creator and life for being so good to me and mine. I give thanks for being allowed to share my blessings with others. For everything I want to be, for everything I hope to be, and for everything that I am, I give thanks and thanks and more thanks. — Immersed in Gratitude

Dear Gratitude: A special message you have, indeed! Thank you for sharing all the blessings in your life, of which there are so many. As we prepare to welcome the start of another year, I encourage all of our readers to reflect on what the last 365 days, in particular, have brought them. From new jobs to new family members, good health to good food, exciting travels to exciting experiences, I hope your days have been filled with love, laughter and goodness. And in the new year, may we all resolve to slow down a little and truly appreciate all the joys we have to be grateful for.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2023!

View prior ‘Dear Annie’ columns

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].