Dear Annie: Limited mobility isn’t a reason to keep an elderly person from driving

Dear Annie: Limited mobility isn’t a reason to keep an elderly person from driving

Dear Annie: I am a retired RN, and I was interested when one of your readers wrote that if an elderly person falls, they should not be allowed to drive. I am here to tell you there is no direct correlation between falls and driving. Falls for the elderly occur for many reasons — some known and others unknown.

The statement in your column was not qualified. Perhaps it should say that in some cases people should not drive due to a medical condition, such as dizziness, seizures, visual deficits, cardiac condition or medications.

Although the elderly perhaps are known to fall more frequently, the origin of the cause of falling is often unknown. It also may not affect their driving safely. Mobility too may be limited, but that does not necessarily affect one’s safe driving ability.

The fear of drivers causing an accident after a certain age is of course natural, but so are all deaths while behind the wheel, and there are factors other than age that lead to accidents. People are living to an older age, with many having no cognitive deficits. However, some may have slower reflexes.

There are online defensive driving courses for seniors, including ones offered by AAA and AARP for under $30. Completion of the course may give you a discount on insurance premiums. It certainly is a good idea to at least consider these courses even if insurance does not give a discount when you complete the course.

Hope you can use this information. — Older Drivers

Dear Older Drivers: Thank you for this very helpful information. I hope that people look into taking one of the driving courses for seniors. It sounds like it could be very beneficial for everyone. I love hearing from professionals.

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“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].