Dear Annie: I love my three sons, but I’ve always wanted a girl

Dear Annie: I love my three sons, but I’ve always wanted a girl

Dear Annie: I’m a mom to three beautiful little boys, all under the age of 10. Although I love my kids more than anything, I’ve always wanted to have a little girl. When I talk about it with my husband, he says he’s content with our boys and if we did have another child, it’s bound to be another boy so we shouldn’t even try.

I’ve tried to focus on our life and our family, but I constantly feel like it’s not complete without a little girl. My husband thinks I’ll be very upset if we do have another boy, but I simply told him that if it’s another boy, then it’s God’s way of saying that I wasn’t meant to have a girl. And that’s fine. I just don’t want to go through life thinking that I should have tried for a baby girl. — Wife and Mommy

Dear Wife and Mommy: Go for it! If your heart tells you that you always wanted a girl, then try for a baby girl. It sounds like you would be content with a boy anyway, so why not? Children are truly a blessing and a miracle from God.

Dear Annie: “Rita,” as I love to call her, is the best spouse in the world. We met when I was 21 and she was 25. I was homeless and a server at a restaurant. I didn’t have much going for me in my life.

I remember seeing her walk in and sit down at a table with some family members of hers. I knew I needed to talk to her. She was beautiful, and the room was glowing around her. I ended up being her server, and by the end of the meal, I had her phone number. I found out later that night, while having a drink, that she was just coming out of a long-term, long-distance relationship.

I told her about my predicament. I was totally honest and told her about not having anywhere to live. I explained that I hardly had any money, just what I made from serving tables.

It was OK with her, and she still gave this homeless man a chance. Within 18 months, we had a house, two cars and a baby on the way. I had a great job doing something I loved.

Now, 15 years later, we are stronger than ever. My love for her continues to grow every day. She is my rock, my soul mate and, as I tell her every day, “forever my always.” — No Chance Prince

Dear No Chance Prince: Wow, what a heartwarming story — and what a wonderful woman. Thank you for sharing.

Dear Annie: I read your column daily in our local paper because your answers are spot-on. Regarding “Puzzled in Arizona,” who is wondering why his friend doesn’t reach out to him more, I could certainly be that friend in his mid-60s, although I live with my wife, and our children and grandkids live nearby.

I’m still working and get constantly pinged with emails, voicemails, chats and texts from co-workers, family members and friends. This is on top of meetings and in-person chit chats. That means I have to be judicious when reaching out to others since I do try very hard to respond to everyone who contacts me.

The method that has worked for me is to rotate who I reach out to — not ideal, but there are only 24 hours in a day!

I truly enjoy your column; keep it up, Annie! — Rotating Turns

Dear Rotating: Thank you for your tip. Sounds like you and your family are happy, and you are able to limit the demands of social media for the sake of your family.

View prior ‘Dear Annie’ columns

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].