Dear Annie: How do I let go and let my boyfriend help with the chores?

Dear Annie: How do I let go and let my boyfriend help with the chores?

Dear Annie: I have been with “Garrett” for over four years now. I have a son who is 9, and we share a daughter, 3. I was a single mom for four years before I met Garrett, so I did everything on my own.

Garrett is always willing to make my lunch for work, clean after I get home from work, do laundry, etc. so I can relax. My problem is I tend to say no. I’ll do it myself, and then I become overwhelmed trying to do everything. I know I’m being resistant, but I feel as a mom, it’s my sole responsibility to do so. How do I loosen up and let him help me out more without feeling guilty that I’m not doing enough? — Used to Being Manic Mom

Dear Manic Mom: Take a moment and cut yourself some slack. After so many years as a single mom, it makes sense you might feel like you’re not operating at full capacity. But I guarantee you’re doing much more than you’re giving yourself credit for.

It takes time to adjust to the idea of letting another person into your life and routine, but try your best to normalize it and get comfortable. You are lucky to have a husband and father who wants to pitch in as your equal: That’s what good partners do. Now, you just have to let him.

Dear Annie: I’m a teenager about to be a junior in high school in the fall. So far, high school has been bland. Nothing exciting happens. I guess the only thing that is exciting is the fact that I’m going to Japan on a school trip in less than two weeks. I want to go to college, but I want to attend a college out of state because I want a fresh start. Plus, I don’t want to see former classmates at college. (I have some ideas in mind as to which out-of-state colleges to go to, but I haven’t visited them yet. My main focus is to see if they have Japanese as a major.)

I want a fresh start for myself; I want to have some kind of friend group (I’m an introvert), a boyfriend, and I want to attend parties but not so many that it’s like I only went to college just to party. But I’ve noticed that I have a hard time making decisions about certain things because I’m too worried that whatever I choose will be a bad decision in the future. I tend to dwell on the future rather than the present, which makes me very upset with myself. I tend to be very hard on myself, which makes me feel like I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to this stuff.

I also noticed that I’m always worrying about things instead of just relaxing and “being a teenager.” Other times, I feel like I’m behind in everything that should happen to teenagers. Sometimes, I just want to give up and stop trying because nothing is going right for me. But other times, I want to keep going and try and see what happens. What should I do? — Doubting Everything in Life

Dear Doubting: Another instance that warrants more self-love and grace. You sound like a very bright, conscientious, mature teen with so much potential and promise. None of us know exactly what the future holds. Don’t let the fear of that unknown rob you of today’s joy and living your present life to the fullest.

Continue pursuing your passions, like studying Japanese and traveling. Meet new people, try new things, take chances, and keep an open mind. You have a good head on your shoulders that, regardless of what decisions you make or paths you take, I’m confident you’ll always land on your feet.

View prior ‘Dear Annie’ columns

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].