Dear Abby: My friend refuses to leave my house. How can I make him leave?

Dear Abby: My friend refuses to leave my house. How can I make him leave?

DEAR ABBY: I let a friend who was going through a hard time stay on my couch when he would get too drunk to drive. Eleven years later, he’s still here. I told him from the beginning not to get hooked or fall in love with me, because I knew I would never feel the same.

He has taken over my home with his collections but won’t sell anything. He also doesn’t pay any bills. I do not like his drinking. I am sober. He yells and screams for sex, but I don’t give in. I told him he needs to move on.

I’m on disability and a fixed income. Legal eviction? Restraining order? He has threatened to walk away and leave me to deal with all his junk. Help! — INVADED IN MISSOURI

DEAR INVADED: You have been too kind for far too long. Before doing anything, talk with an attorney because of the length of time you have allowed this person to live with you (rent-free). If you can’t afford legal counsel, reach out to your local Legal Aid or Legal Services office.

If the freeloader agrees to go, leaving his “collections” behind, you may be able to sell or donate the items. Should he refuse to leave your home, you may have to formally evict him which, depending upon the laws in your state, could be complicated without legal guidance.

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.