Dear Abby: I got some family member sick and now they won’t speak to me

DEAR ABBY: My son and his wife have quit speaking to my husband and me because I gave them COVID. At their invitation, we took a trip with them to Hawaii. I began feeling ill on the plane and tested positive the next day. A couple days later, my son got sick, and then a few days later, his wife got it. I told them repeatedly how sorry I was that I’d infected them and spoiled their vacation.

We always had a close relationship — frequent phone calls, visits, dinners, etc. — but for the last six weeks, nothing. He told his brother he was furious because I tried to “kill” them. I’m at a loss about what to do, if anything. What would Dear Abby do? — GUILTY IN CALIFORNIA

DEAR GUILTY: What Dear Abby would do is give your son some time to cool off and then reach out and apologize again. He needs to grow up. You didn’t make anyone sick on purpose, and it just as easily could have been your son or daughter-in-law infecting you.

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.