Dear Abby: Daughters see their widowed dad slip away when he remarries

Dear Abby: Daughters see their widowed dad slip away when he remarries

DEAR ABBY: We lost my mom a couple of years ago. This year, Dad started dating, got engaged and married — all in a span of two weeks. This is a woman he knew through missionary work. Side note: Mom had wondered for a while if he wasn’t having an emotional affair with her because every time she called, he would go somewhere so she couldn’t hear him.

They are now cleaning out the house and essentially getting rid of every sign of Mom! My sister told him she feels like her childhood home is gone. The other sister asked (hypothetically) if they are getting ready to sell the house. Apparently, the gal he married told him she expects to be his “little girl.” Gag.

Dad is no longer responding to any of my text messages. I believe his new wife is running the show. What should we three do? Must we resign ourselves to the fact that we may have just lost our father as well? — SIDELINED SISTER IN NEBRASKA

DEAR SISTER: If at all possible, the three of you should try to maintain a cordial relationship with your father’s new wife. If you do otherwise, you will only drive them further away. You stated that your mother suspected your dad of having an emotional affair with this woman. IF that was true, he waited quite a long time to pursue it.

What’s happening with the house is not unusual. Your dad and his “little girl” (gag) have a right to a home of their own. If you want any of the items that are being discarded, speak up NOW.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.