Center Point hires new boys, girls basketball coaches

Center Point today announced the hiring of new basketball coaches to lead its Class 5A boys and girls teams.

Rodney Jackson is the new boys coach and SaRhonda Hawkins is the girls coach. Jackson replaces Kelvin Lett while Hawkins replaces Sammeika Thomas.

“Both Jackson and Hawkins understand that it’s not just about basketball, it’s about life,” said Center Point athletic director Dionne Williams, who has coached and been an administrator at the school for more than 20 years, including serving as an assistant coach for the 2011 girls basketball team that won the Class 5A title.

Jackson spent the past three seasons as head coach at Geneva with the previous two years at Murphy. He was also the head coach at Escambia County and earned his first head coaching job at Pike County. He also spent time as an assistant football and basketball coach at Carroll, Demopolis and Fruitdale.

The LaGrange, Ga., native graduated from South Alabama and his entire coaching career has been in the southern part of the state.

“I’m excited about it,” Jackson said. “We’re in a good area with Springville, Corner and Hayden. We’ve got tough competition in the North, teams like Wenonah and Ramsey.”

There has been success at Center Point in the past, the Eagles winning to the Class 5A state championship game three times in the past 12 seasons. Center Point fell to Fairfield in 2020, Wenonah in 2019 and 2013.

“The cupboard ain’t bare,” Jackson said. “We’ve got some good players coming back. They were young last year and I’m just excited about the job.”

Jackson plans on a fast-paced style of play.

“I’m working with my kids and they’re getting to know me and I’m getting to know them and we’re working hard,” Jackson said. “We’ll play hard, play fast and physical and we’ll shoot the 3 ball. We’ll press and have multiple defenses.”

Hawkins was girls basketball and volleyball coach at Greenville.

“She brings to the table professionalism and she’s able to develop players instead of just coming in with superstars,” Williams said. “She’s able to develop and she has patience. I just love everything about her.”