Brakes hit on proposed Florida ban on driving with dogs hanging heads out of windows

Brakes hit on proposed Florida ban on driving with dogs hanging heads out of windows

A proposed Florida ban on people driving with their dogs’ heads outside car windows drew a swift backlash within days of its introduction, and the sponsor now plans to remove, or significantly change, that provision in comprehensive animal-welfare legislation.

“The public has spoken. She’s heard from folks who feel really strongly about this. This is not something that Floridians want,” said Claire VanSusteren, spokeswoman for Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book.

The remaining parts of the Book-sponsored Senate Bill 932 would outlaw declawing of cats, end animal testing of cosmetic products, prohibit tethering of dogs and cats, and create an animal-abuse registry.

It was the other provision of the wide-ranging measure that would make it illegal for people to drive with dogs’ heads outside the car windows that drew the most attention after its introduction on Feb. 17.

The idea was presented to Book, whose Broward district lies mostly south of Interstate 595 and west of Florida’s Turnpike, from animal advocates and veterinarians who treat injuries to dogs’ eyes, ears and noses from rocks and other debris. The vets told Book that the same things that end up on windshields can injure the animals, VanSusteren said.

So she included language making it illegal to “allow a dog to extend its head or any other body part outside a motor vehicle window while the person is operating the motor vehicle on a public roadway” in the proposed legislation.

“Our family has three dogs — two of which are 150 pounds each and love sticking their heads out the window — so I welcome and appreciate all public comment on this issue, which is only one piece of a complete proposed overhaul of the state’s animal welfare system as brought to me by veterinarians and advocates,” Book said Wednesday in a written statement.

The provision is not going to stay in the legislation, at least in its current form. It will either be removed, or could be limited to only apply to highway driving, her spokeswoman said. “We can easily amend this piece out of the bill while protecting the intent of the animal welfare community and vets who proposed the policy because of unintended injuries they’ve treated — and we will,” Book said.

Book is a dog lover and has had at least one dog her entire life — her current animals are Parks, Grux and Roary. Book has described the darkest time in her life, when she was emotionally and sexually abused by a nanny starting at age 11, and gang raped as a young teen. Canine companionship helped her recovery.

VanSusteren said Book has heard from supporters, including someone who recounted a dog’s paw stepping on the window button and managed to quickly stop the window from going up and choking the animal. “There have been folks who are supportive, and there’s folks who obviously are not, who feel that it’s not a good policy for our state.”

Michele Lazarow, a longtime city commissioner in Hallandale Beach known for her fierce dedication to animal activism, said she sees two sides of the issue.

“I’ve done that. Full disclosure. The dogs love it,” she said. “But I also understand the safety reasons. First of all, it’s distracting to the driver. Second of all, if God forbid you’re in an accident, your dog is going to die. But that is a choice that a responsible pet owner makes.”

Book said people can do something to make their dogs safer. “Let’s all invest in a good pair of ‘doggles’ to keep our furry friends safe.” Doggles are a brand of eye protection for dogs.

Book’s legislation has many elements. Other provisions would:

—Prohibit tethering of dogs or cats unless a person is physically present and the cat or dog “remains visible to the person at all times while tethered.” There are several exemptions, including while the animal is being treated by a veterinarian or groomed or legally used to hunt during hunting season.

—Ban testing of cosmetic products on dogs. Manufacturers would be prohibited from making, importing for profit, selling or offering for sale “a cosmetic developed or manufactured using cosmetic animal testing conducted or contracted by the manufacturer or any supplier.”

—Outlaw declawing of cats, unless it is medically necessary.

—Banning the sale of rabbits at flea markets and festivals and banning the sale of rabbits at pet stores during the months of March and April. Rabbits are often bought before Easter, then abandoned at shelters after the holiday when people tire of caring for them. Pet stores would have to have rabbits they’re selling microchipped.

—Create an animal-cruelty registry. The state Department of Law Enforcement would have to post on its website a registry of people convicted of animal-abuse offenses. A person’s name would remain on the registry for three years for a first conviction for misdemeanor animal abuse or five years for felony animal abuse, and 10 years for a second or subsequent misdemeanor or felony animal-abuse conviction.

A sentence of probation for people convicted of animal cruelty also could lead to them being prohibited by a court from owning, possessing, residing with or caring for an animal.

Lazarow said some of the ideas are good, but that laws won’t automatically improve the lives of animals.

“Can I legislate responsible pet ownership? I don’t know. I’ve never seen that happen. I’ve never seen anybody legislated into being a good pet owner,” said Lazarow, who is president of the Animal Defense Coalition, which lobbies on behalf of animals.

For example, she said, she would rather see a priority placed on enforcing existing anti-cruelty laws rather than adding a new registry. “Laws are only as good as they’re being enforced,” she said.

With less than two weeks until the start of the annual 60-day legislative session, prospects for passage of the measure are uncertain. It hasn’t been assigned to committees for hearings. VanSusteren said a House version of the legislation is being drafted, but hasn’t yet been introduced.


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