Birmingham-Southern updates plan, asks students to register for spring classes

Birmingham-Southern updates plan, asks students to register for spring classes

Two weeks after learning that Birmingham-Southern may, once again, be at risk of closure, officials say more options are firming up – and that the school will likely remain open for the rest of the year.

“These developments give us confidence that, at a minimum, we will complete the academic year, during which we will continue to procure funds that will stabilize the College for the long term,” BSC President Daniel Coleman said in a letter to the campus community Friday. “That includes working with the Alabama Legislature, private donors and other entities.”

The 167-year-old private, liberal arts college announced the extent of its financial woes last winter, and after months of lobbying, lawmakers created a loan program that would provide $30 million in bridge funds to any college that applied – just enough to get BSC back on its feet.

But two weeks ago, Alabama State Treasurer Young Boozer III denied the school’s $30 million loan application, forcing the college to reevaluate its options. BSC officials, in a lawsuit that was later dismissed, said the school would shut down in December if they couldn’t find enough funding.

But on Friday, Coleman said they’ll likely be able to cobble enough funds to sustain operations, at least for one more semester.

Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin is scheduled to present a $5 million economic development plan, which would partially support the school, to the city council on Nov. 21. Woodfin’s office confirmed the plan with

In the meantime, Coleman said, officials will continue to seek other funding options. Legislators told last week that the legislature could conceivably rewrite the loan law when it reconvenes in February.

He also praised the efforts of students, who have been putting pressure on Boozer to reconsider the school’s application.

A group of about 50 students traveled to Montgomery Friday morning, armed with heartfelt letters, to make their case to the treasurer. Boozer’s office did not meet with the students, but said Boozer received their letters and would read them.

“This morning, a group of our students went to Montgomery to make the case for BSC,” Coleman said. “While the State Treasurer did not meet with them, they spoke eloquently to news media about the position his denial of the bridge loan has put them in, and they left written messages to be delivered to him asking him to reconsider. We can all be proud of how well they represented the College.”

He encouraged students, many of whom are considering their transfer options, to register for spring 2024 classes – and to continue to pressure state officials.

“We will continue the fight for our future,” he said.