Birmingham City Council chambers will get $296,000 face-lift

Birmingham City Council chambers will get $296,000 face-lift

The Birmingham City Council chambers will get a $296,000 facelift starting next month.

The vintage room on the third floor of City Hall where the council meets currently has a somewhat dimly lit ambiance and the theater-style chairs of an abandoned cinema.

It will soon be revamped with a new sound system and new lighting to replace outdated technology. It will also get new seating for the audience and new floors. Old ceiling tiles will be removed along with existing wall graphics.

The council will move out of the chamber from May 2 through Aug. 1, and hopefully return in August to better conditions for everyone in city government and the citizenry that watches and takes part, said Council President Wardine Alexander.

“We’ll all be speaking clearly and seated correctly,” Alexander said.

During the renovation period, the City Council will move its meetings to Boutwell Auditorium, convening in an upstairs room that will be outfitted with the technology to continue livestreaming for the public.

The project was budgeted at $296,391.22 for design, lighting, flooring and seating, with lighting replacement by Studio 2H Design and renovation by Sherrod Construction, Inc.

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