Birmingham 2050 Transportation Plan- what will the region’s roads look like in 30 years?

Birmingham 2050 Transportation Plan- what will the region’s roads look like in 30 years?

From now until 2050 the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham (RPC) will focus nearly $3 billion worth of road projects on seven selected goals that include improving system safety and supporting economic growth in the region.

In addition to the $2.7 billion of federal funding that the plan estimates will go towards the region’s roadways over the next 26 years, it also lays out over $5 billion worth of visionary projects that have not obtained funding yet but could in years to come.

All of the proposed projects, several of which have been carried over from RPC’s 2045 Transportation Plan, were chosen to align with the following goals:

· Improve overall system safety and reduce serious injuries and fatalities for motorized and non-motorized users.

· Implement strategies that improve operations and address congestion.