Billy Jack Gaither was brutally murdered for being gay in Alabama 25 years ago today

Billy Jack Gaither was brutally murdered for being gay in Alabama 25 years ago today

Billy Jack Gaither spent his 39 years of life caring for family, worshiping God and quietly harboring a second, secret existence.

Both lives ended 25 years ago today, on Feb. 19, 1999, because Gaither was gay, something two men viewed as a crime worthy of death.

Gaither’s murder sparked a national outcry and a movement to include sexual orientation in Alabama’s 1994 hate crime law. That still has not happened.

Steven Eric Mullins, then 25, and Charles Monroe Butler, then 21, told Coosa County Sheriff’s Office investigators they plotted Gaither’s death because he made a pass at Mullins a week earlier. They later denied the murder was premeditated, saying instead Gaither was killed because he came on to Butler the night of the murder.

The Fayetteville men lured Gaither from a Sylacauga bar to a boat launch, stabbed him, beat him with an ax handle, put him in a car trunk and drove him to a creek. They beat him again and then placed him on two fiery, kerosene-drenched tires.

“Billy Jack started talking about some gay issues. . . . wanting to have a threesome, or whatever,” Butler said in a PBS Frontline special in 2000. “Steve jumped on him, and cut his throat there. I didn’t even know the man, for him to be hitting on me. . . . Tempers just flared. It’s like he didn’t have no respect.”

Adam Rust/Post-Herald Pete Tepley, center, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Bob Burns, near right, of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Alabama lead a gathering of approximately 70 people stepping out against hate crimes Wednesday at UAB Mini-Park. The group honored the memory of Billy Jack Gaither, who was killed on Feb. 19, 1999 for his status as a gay man. PHPH

Gaither tried to run. Mullins told him it was useless, according to a 1999 interrogation shared by Frontline.

“I was still beating him and when I gave out of energy and couldn’t do it anymore, um, the fire got to going and the tires started burning real well and I drug him into the flame and uh, we stood there for a few minutes and then we left,” Mullins said.

The two were soon arrested.

Gaither died eight months after James Byrd Jr., an African-American man, was dragged behind a truck in Jasper, Texas and four months after Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old gay man, was beaten, tied to a fence and set on fire near Laramie, Wyo. President Obama in 2009 signed into law a hate crimes measure named after Shepard.

“This heinous and cowardly crime touches the conscience of our country, just as the terrible murders of James Byrd in Texas and Matthew Shepard in Wyoming did last year,” President Clinton said after Gaither’s death.

“In times like this, the American people pull together and speak with one voice, because the acts of hatred that led to the deaths of such innocent men are also acts of defiance against the values our society holds most dear.”

Clinton in 1994 implemented “Don’t ask, don’t tell” — repealed in 2010 — and in 1996 signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act, which allowed Alabama and other states to ban same-sex marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down that part of DOMA in 2015.

Gaither’s murder shows just how dangerous it was to be gay in Alabama in 1999.


Marchers make their way down Broadway through Times Square in New York, Monday, March 15, 1999, as they take part in what organizers called a “political funeral” held for Billy Jack Gaither, killed in a beating in Coosa County, Ala., as well as for all victims of hate violence. (AP Photo/Lynsey Addario)

‘’I would consider it difficult to live anywhere in Alabama other than Birmingham,’’ David W. White, the Birmingham coordinator for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Alabama, told The New York Times in 1999. ‘’Even in Birmingham, I would never in a public place grab my partner’s hand and walk down the street. It would literally be a death wish in the state of Alabama.’’

Despite such risks, people filled Birmingham’s Covenant Metropolitan Community Church weeks after Gaither’s death to urge legislators to add sexual orientation to the state’s hate crimes law.

Across the street, protesters from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan., held signs attacking Gaither. “We are outraged at this violent crime, but the issue is the homosexuals are exploiting it,” said the Rev. Fred Phelps. “It is no longer merely an event for the family and friends to grieve.”

Events for Gaither were held across Alabama and across America.

“We will not go back into the closet. We will not be afraid to be identified, to have our picture taken. What you see here tonight is light. It is the light of resistance,” student Bruce Haga said at another Birmingham event in Gaither’s honor.

“I am deeply grieved by the senseless murder of Billy Jack Gaither because it strikes at the very heart of what it means to be an American,” then-Cal. Gov. Gray Davis told a crowd in West Hollywood. “If any man or woman cannot walk safely down our streets for fear of violence simply because of his or her sexual orientation, then none of us are truly free.”

Gaither’s family and friends grieved the death of a man who read the Bible each night and drove 60 miles each day to load trucks at Russell Athletics’ Distribution Center in Alexander City.

“I don’t believe he was gay, but whether he was or not, God is the only one who has the right to take a life. The devil might have taken my son, but God’s got him. I believe to my soul, he is in heaven,” Gaither’s father, Marion Hughes Gaither, said at the time.

Some of Gaither’s friends and family members said he went to Atlanta clubs to live his secret life.

“At a (Sylacauaga) tavern Gaither frequented, a waitress recalls how he admonished an openly gay person. ‘He told him, ‘That’s not acceptable here,’” The Birmingham News reported.

Mullins and Butler were sentenced to life without parole. Gaither’s family asked that Butler be spared execution.

“I can’t see taking another human being’s life, no matter what,” Marion Gaither said.

On Feb. 26, 2019, exactly one week after the 20th anniversary of Gaither’s murder, Mullins was stabbed to death at the St. Clair Correctional Facility.