Biden’s approval slips to new low in latest poll; falls behind Trump

Biden’s approval slips to new low in latest poll; falls behind Trump

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to a new low in the latest opinion poll by ABC News and Washington Post.

Of those polled, 36% said they approve of the job Biden is doing, 6 points lower than the month before and 1 point less than his previous poll low in early 2022.

Some 56% of those polled said they disapproved of the job he was doing with 68% feeling Biden, 80, is too old for another term. Only 32% said they felt Biden had the “mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president,” compared to 63% who do not.

Even Democrats seem unsold on Biden. A majority of Democrats sold – 58% – said they would rather their party pick someone else to be the presidential nominee.

READ MORE: President Joe Biden says he plans on running for reelection in 2024

The poll showed Biden was falling behind former president Trump, the Republican he defeated to win the White House in 2020. In a race with Biden and Trump as candidates, 38% said they would definitely or probably vote for the president, compared to 44% who would definitely or probably back Trump.

Biden also trailed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a 2024 hypothetical matchup. Biden polled at 37% to DeSantis’ 42%. DeSantis has not made an official announcement of his candidacy but is widely expected to.

The poll was conducted by phone April 28-May 3 with responses from 1,006 adults across the country. The margin of error is plus/minus 3.5 percentage points. Of those polled, 900 were registered voters, 396 described themselves as Democrats, 438 were Republican.