Best way to eat shrimp is without a lot of fuss. This recipe will help.

Best way to eat shrimp is without a lot of fuss. This recipe will help.

This is an opinion column.

Let’s talk a little bit more about one of my favorite topics this time of year — or any other time, for that matter – shrimp.

I realize that we plowed some of this ground last week when we chatted about the opening of brown shrimp season in Alabama. The consensus among the group was that we all love shrimp and look forward every June to the arrival of the brown beauties in markets along the coast.

And we concluded our discussion with a recipe for a spicy, creamy way to enjoy our seasonal visitors using the air fryer. It left me hungry and wanting more.

It is no secret that I have been the state’s chief cheerleader for fresh Gulf of Mexico shrimp for more than 20 years now. And in that time, I have come to the conclusion that there is no way you can talk too much about our shared love of shrimp or our favorite ways to eat them.

I have also learned in my years of service that the best way to enjoy shrimp – especially when it is very fresh – is with less fuss and falderol. In short, I want to taste the briny Gulf in each bite and that means not covering it up with heavy sauces or breadings.