Asking Eric: Uninterested in friendly couple’s vacation photos

Dear Eric: We met a nice couple who was seated at the table with us on a cruise last summer. We had a few things in common and pleasant conversations. They shared a travel schedule and plans to be on the go all the time.

My husband and I have traveled very extensively and now travel sparingly due to my husband’s often poor health.

This couple gives us a text travelogue and photos of resorts, Hawaiian beaches, exotic places, etc., whenever they go. We are simply not interested and last week’s text gave me pause, wondering how to respond.

He sent pictures of a resort and lovely weather and travel schedule. All this came while my husband was very ill in the hospital, and I was emotionally and physically worn out. I just gave him a thumbs up emoji. As I did not feel I should have to say, “my husband is critically ill, and you are sending me pictures of your vacation and I couldn’t care less.”

Should I tell them our traveling days are over, we have been to many lovely places they go to, and we’d like to not receive vacation travelogue texts? Please tell us what to do. We will never see these people again and consider them a chance acquaintance, not friends.

– No Need for Vacation Pictures

Dear Pictures: I’m sorry for what you and your husband are going through. That’s so challenging without the added ache of seeing someone else – acquaintances, no less – gallivanting across the globe.

You’re right that you don’t need to tell them about what’s going on, health-wise, if you don’t want to. But because they may have misread your initial interaction and continue to assume that you enjoy their travelogues, it will be helpful to redirect them. Something simple like “we’re in a different place in life now and we’re not a good audience for vacation pictures anymore. We wish you the best and thank you for understanding” should suffice.

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Send questions to R. Eric Thomas at [email protected] or P.O. Box 22474, Philadelphia, PA 19110. Follow him on Instagram and sign up for his weekly newsletter at