Ask Amy: With my husband gone, am I obligated to continue with sending money to relatives?

Ask Amy: With my husband gone, am I obligated to continue with sending money to relatives?

Dear Amy: My husband wanted to help our great nieces and nephews get a good start, and so each year we have given these young adults $15,000.

I still do this even though after my husband’s death I have not seen them or received any acknowledgment.

I’m thinking about stopping, and wonder if I’m being petty to consider this.

– Great Aunt Betty

Dear Betty: If your husband’s goal was to help this generation of family members get a good start, then you should assume that your generous annual gift to them has done just that.

Are you obligated to continue this practice for the rest of your life, especially when you receive absolutely no encouragement or acknowledgment from the recipients?


You should sit down with your accountant/financial adviser and review ways to put these funds toward a cause that reflects your own interests and values. There are tax implications for giving/not giving this money, so you should make sure to be fully informed.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.