Ask Amy: Stuck in the friend zone

Ask Amy: Stuck in the friend zone

Dear Amy: I’ve known “Dave” for five years.

About a year ago, Dave and I suddenly became intrigued with each other.

It has come to the point where when we see each other at a certain place he sits alone in order to let me come and sit with him so we can spend time together.

Our attraction is mutual. Friends have even noted it.

I love this man for who he is, but I want for more than just happenstance dictating that we will run into each other and talk for hours.

Things seemed to start heating up about six months ago. He asked for my number back then, but has failed to use it.

He does not call, text, or respond to anything on social media.

We are the same age, late 50s.

I love spending time with him, but hate not knowing when we will see each other again.

We have both been single for more than 20 years. Is it too late to expect and want something more?

– Lonely in Love

Dear Lonely: Life is too short to stalk the coffee shop, hoping for a “chance” encounter.

The phone, as we used to say, works both ways.

Call him!

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.