Ask Amy: Should the kids know about their ‘bad cop’ grandfather?

Ask Amy: Should the kids know about their ‘bad cop’ grandfather?

Dear Amy: My father in-law is a retired law enforcement officer. Due to scientific advances since his retirement, it turns out that much of his career was a sham. DNA evidence has exonerated many of the people that he put behind bars – to such a large extent that a television network chose to air a story about him and his corrupt practices a number of years ago.

He claims that he did the best with the information that he had.

Nevertheless, it has become obvious that he let his own biases and prejudices, and yes, racism, get the better of him and he put innocent people in jail.

This has become the family secret that no one talks about.

My children, now almost adults, only know that their grandfather had a distinguished career in law enforcement.

He is now in poor health and I am struggling with whether or not my children deserve to hear the truth about their grandfather.

On the one hand there seems to be nothing to gain by telling them the truth, but on the other hand, well, it’s the truth and perhaps they should know it.

Your Advice?

– On the Fence

Dear On the Fence: Yes, your children do deserve to know the truth about their grandfather, but I don’t believe this is the right time, or you are the right person, to deliver it.

This man is your father-in-law. I assume that you have a spouse on the scene and that this person is your father-in-law’s child. You should encourage your spouse to approach this topic from a place of disclosure and honesty, but your spouse should make some basic choices about the timing.

If your father-in-law’s unlawful acts resulted in a televised depiction of his corruption, your children will find it if they Google his name.

After your father-in-law’s death, obituaries might note some of these scandals and crimes, inspiring your children to ask you about his history. You should point them toward accurate sources for information, and encourage them to ask family members about their grandfather’s role in this terrible and tragic history.

They might expect some defensive responses or even stonewalling from family members, which is why they should seek more accurate or media sources for this information.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.