Ask Amy: Looking for ways to reduce familyâs âscreen timeâ
Dear Amy: I have two children, ages 11 and 14. Their dad and I both work and share the household chores before and after work.
I’d say that our lives run pretty smoothly, but I’ve noticed that we each seem to be in separate bubbles, retreating to our screens during most of our time at home.
I’m so sick of this that I’m thinking about trying to completely prohibit screen use at home.
Obviously, nobody likes this solution, so my husband and I decided to get your thoughts.
— Screened-Out
Dear Screened-Out: Before trying to completely prohibit screen use at home, I’d suggest finding ways to limit screen use.
One idea may seem to run counter to your goal, but this is to actually share screen time as a family, where once a week, each family member gets to choose one “family friendly” thing to watch together, and phones are turned off.
In my opinion, competition shows like “America’s Got Talent,” “Top Chef” or “American Idol” can draw everyone in to follow their favorite contestants, week-by-week.
Otherwise, you can lessen screen time by agreeing to limits.
This means that you as parents have to abide by whatever limits you set, and that you focus on each other — and your kids — during this time.
You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.