Ask Amy: I don’t like my fiance’s 13-year-old son

Ask Amy: I don’t like my fiance’s 13-year-old son

Dear Amy: My fiancé “Charles” and I have a wonderful relationship. We’ve been together for eight months and plan to get married in the spring.

He has a son, “Brian,” who is 13 years old. Charles and his wife have been divorced for six years and Brian is with his dad every other weekend. He has his own room and routines while at his dad’s house.

The thing is, I don’t like this kid. He is a combination of sullen and entitled, though he and his dad seem to get along well. I tend to avoid them during his weekends.

Looking forward to marriage, I’m wondering how to handle the weekends when his son is around?

– Wondering

Dear Wondering: I wonder if you’ve met many 13-year-olds. I’d say that “entitled and sullen” is within the norm for many kids that age.

This boy will be in his father’s life for the rest of his life, and not only on every other weekend.

You should absolutely not get married until you develop an understanding and at least a friendly relationship with this boy.

You don’t seem to have made much of an effort, here. Stepparenting is an extremely challenging role to undertake; if you can’t accept this boy as a member of your family, then you’re not ready to take this on. You don’t have to always like this boy, but you should be willing to love him, anyway.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.