Ask Amy: How do I pass on the chatty third wheel?

Ask Amy: How do I pass on the chatty third wheel?

Dear Amy: My long-time friend “Charlotte” and I have been traveling abroad together for the past several years.

We are both introverts and get along well on our trips as we respect one another’s space and the need for quiet.

We avoid the bustle of cities and tourist traps to spend our time hiking and in solitary reflection outdoors. We treasure these annual getaways as an opportunity to clear our heads and restore our creative energy.

Another friend wants to join us this year. She will be crushed if we don’t include her.

The problem is that her chatter never stops. I mean never.

We love her dearly but max out after a couple hours together.

If she joins us, we feel that we will be mentally depleted by our trip rather than rejuvenated. It will defeat the whole purpose.

How do you think we should handle this?

– Tripped Up

Dear Tripped Up: You should handle this quickly, calmly and politely, by telling “Charlotte,” “We’ve been doing this annual trip the same way for many years and count on having this quiet experience of mutual solitude. Our time away is very quiet and many people might find it boring, but this is how we do it. This would not work if another person joined us – whether it was you or someone else. Please understand that this is not personal.”

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.