Ask Amy: Girlfriend told others my secrets

Dear Amy: My girlfriend of three years recently revealed a very deep and personal issue about me to a group of people.

We were at a party and she was drunk, but I was completely shocked and felt betrayed. This issue was one I shared with her with the understanding that I wanted to keep it completely private. Two people at this party are family members of mine and they were specifically the people I did not want to tell.

She knew that this was a deep secret she was holding.

I’m devastated and don’t want to be with her anymore.

She is begging for my forgiveness and says the fact that she was drunk should make this excusable.

What do you think I should do?

– Devastated

Dear Devastated: I think you should forgive her.

I also think you should break up with her.

Being drunk might excuse you having to hold her hair while she vomits into the toilet. Being drunk is no excuse for violating your privacy and the agreement you two had.

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