Ask Amy: Ex is calling during our vacation

Ask Amy: Ex is calling during our vacation

Dear Amy: My guy “Wesley” and I have been together for two years. We’re both in our mid-20′s and have had previous relationships.

Wesley and I were spending a few days with my folks. This was our mutual vacation time from our jobs, and we had a good time going skiing, seeing friends, and spending time with family.

Wesley has maintained a friendly relationship with his ex, “Steven,” and that’s completely fine with me, but Steven has a habit of pushing their relationship right up to the boundary of what I find acceptable.

During our holiday, Wesley got a call from Steven at around 2 a.m. Wesley told me that Steven was upset about something his boyfriend said. Wesley took his phone into the other room and talked with Steven for two hours. The next day, Wesley was exhausted.

Steven knew that we were on vacation. I found this disruptive and disrespectful.

Your take?

– Not Happy

Dear Not Happy: Here is a partial list of what I consider acceptable reasons for a friend to call at 2 a.m.: “I’m in the hospital.” “A family member just passed away.” “I need to make bail.” “I’m considering hurting myself or someone else.”

“I’m mad at my boyfriend” can wait.

“Wesley” should recognize that his own choice to take this time with Steven has an impact on you.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.