Ask Amy: Do I really have to stick to the gift registry?

Ask Amy: Do I really have to stick to the gift registry?

Dear Amy: I recently received a baby shower invitation that had several “requests,” one of which is: “Mom and Dad have worked so hard on the registry, please do not stray if you choose to bring a gift that day!”

This effectively prohibits many types of gifts, including handmade items or gifts traditionally given by our family.

What should I do? Pick a gift I don’t want to give? Decline the invitation and not go?

Take a gift of my choosing regardless of this request?

– Baffled in the Burbs

Dear Baffled: If you choose to attend, I think you should respect the wishes of the parents, however banal.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.