Alabama mom with double pregnancy hopes for twin delivery in time for Christmas

Alabama mom with double pregnancy hopes for twin delivery in time for Christmas

Kelsey Hatcher, the mother with a double uterus, is just a few days away from giving birth to her one in a million double pregnancy. Right now, the mom of three is scheduled to be induced on December 18th or 19th. Hatcher said she’s hoping to have be back home in time for Christmas to officially be a family of seven.

According to the Daily Mail, Hatcher told Fox Digital News that she’s waiting until right at the 40-week mark to give her body time to go into labor on its own. “A cesarean is our last resort at the moment. The babies are growing right on track and even my doctors are slightly stunned at how well we are all doing.”

Hatcher said that as of November 29, each baby weighed in at a little over six pounds. The Daily Mail wrote that According to the Cleveland Clinic, those with double uterus are at an increased risk of miscarriage, early labor, C-sections, low birth weight, growth restriction, and babies being born in the breech position – when the baby is feet or bottom first in the uterus, which can be dangerous and make delivery more difficult. Currently, she and her team are planning to have the babies vaginally. If there are any complications, then she may need to have one or both babies via C-section.

According to the Daily Mail, doctors confirmed the babies will be considered fraternal twins as they were conceived by two separate sperm and eggs.

In November, Hatcher told that she has a rare condition called uterine didelphys, or double uterus. About 3 in 1,000 women have a double uterus and two cervixes, according to her OB/GYN and UAB associate professor Dr. Shweta Patel. Having a child in each uterus at the same time is extremely rare. Patel said it is a 1 in a million chance. Hatcher discovered the condition at age 17 and said that because she was a teenager, she wasn’t especially concerned about raising a family at the time.

Hatcher also said, she and her husband, Caleb Hatcher weren’t planning to have a fourth child, let a lone a fifth one. They had previously gotten rid of all of their baby items, and have now started a GoFundMe, to raise funds for the expenses of two more babies being added to the family. When the twin babies come home from the hospital, the Hatchers will have five kids at age 7 and younger.