Alabama man charged with 37 counts of child sex abuse, child porn

Alabama man charged with 37 counts of child sex abuse, child porn

An Alabama man was booked Thursday into the Pike County Jail on 37 counts of child sex abuse and child pornography involving a victim under 12 years old, according to jail records.

David Ezra Benton, 32, was charged with 19 counts of production of porn with minors, four counts of first-degree sodomy and 14 counts of sexual abuse of a child less than 12, jail records showed.

Benton, a resident of Brundidge in Pike County, was known to his victim, Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas told WSFA.

“This was a tough case to work with, to have such a young child and the things that the investigators and in the DA’s office and everyone else had to see and deal with,” said Thomas.

Benton is being held in the county jail without bond.