Alabama hunter dangling from tree after deer stand collapses saved by firefighters

Alabama hunter dangling from tree after deer stand collapses saved by firefighters

A hunter was rescued from a tree after his deer stand collapsed in the woods in Alabama on the last day of the season, officials said.

Marion Fire and Rescue said in a Facebook post that it received a call around 11:30 a.m. on Feb. 10 to assist with the rescue after fellow hunters reported that the man was stuck in a tree.

The hunter had been sitting in a tree stand that collapsed, causing him to “partially” fall and become pinned between the broken stand and the tree.

Marion Fire and Rescue said various agencies brought “off-road equipment, tractors, saws, ropes, straps and ladders,” to help bring the hunter down.

Eventually, the hunter was freed and safely brought back to the ground. Rescuers said he was carried out of the woods to a vehicle that brought him to an ambulance waiting on the highway.

“We are very happy to say that the gentleman was in good spirits on the way out and we hope that he gets home soon,” Marion Fire and Rescue said. “This will be a ‘last day of deer season’ story that we will certainly all remember.”

One person who commented on the Facebook post said he was the son of the hunter, and he thanked those that helped his father come home safe.

“Thanks again to everyone who helped save my dad’s life yesterday,” he commented. “We’re forever grateful!!!”

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