Alabama exports surged to record $25.5 billion in 2022

Alabama exports surged to record $25.5 billion in 2022

Alabama shattered its record for exports in a single year, tallying more than $25.5 billion in 2022.

The new mark blew past the previous record of $21.7 billion in 2017, and was 22% higher than the previous year, when the state’s exports rebounded after the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, the state’s exports are almost 47% higher than 2020, when lockdowns and virus protocols severely hammered the export sector, according to the Alabama Department of Commerce.

Alabama saw a higher number of shipments overseas of aerospace parts, chemicals, minerals, metals and paper products, with those catagories seeing gains of almost 20% or better. Minerals and ores surged 178%.

Transportation equipment, which includes motor vehicles, aerospace products, ships and parts, led the way with $11.4 billion in exports, up 9% over the previous year. Motor vehicles alone reached $8.9 billion.

“Our record-breaking success when it comes to our exports is yet another example of the far reach of the ‘Made in Alabama’ brand and a direct result of our incredible companies and top-notch workforce,” Gov. Kay Ivey said in a statement. “Exporting is a fundamental economic pillar that supports growth in Alabama, contributing economic vitality and spurring job creation across the state.”

Germany was the leader, taking in $4.3 billion in goods, followed by China with $3.8 billion. Canada and Mexico followed, while Japan took in $1 billion, a jump of 42% over 2021.

In all, Alabama shipped goods to 196 countries around the globe.

“Setting a new annual export record is just another example of the economic success that Alabama is enjoying right now,” Alabama Commerce Secretary Greg Canfield said. “Despite turbulence on the national scene, Alabama’s economy is really humming on all cylinders and can keep rolling as a bounty of growth projects bring in new jobs and investment,” he added.