‘You will die soon’: Mobile man found guilty of threatening to kill former boss

‘You will die soon’: Mobile man found guilty of threatening to kill former boss

A Mobile man fired from a construction job in Mississippi sent numerous messages threatening to kill his former boss, a federal jury concluded this week.

Cloepha Darneyl Franks, 42, was convicted for transmitting an interstate threat to injure, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The federal indictment against Franks shows he texted his former boss more than a dozen times, with each text containing clear, sometimes chilling threats against the former employer. Among those threats were:

  • “If I was you I would be wondering when I coming to shot you fact non fiction”
  • “I know where you go every morning you never know when I going to pull up on you…”
  • “You will die soon hopefully your will ready I will let my actions speak louder than words”
  • “At the end of the day I promise you I will have your life in my hands you better read the Bible god bless me to kill people like you I promise facts
  • “Go —- yourself, —– and get ready to die soon”
  • Yep yep you will die being stupid”

At trial, the victim and others from the construction company testified about the extra precautions put in place in the wake of Franks’ threats. The FBI obtained evidence through forensic searches of Franks’ cell phone and cell phone records.

Franks’ criminal history suggests his threats could have been more than idle. He has been jailed numerous times for weapons violations, including seven charges of carrying a pistol without a permit. Franks has also been jailed on other charges including domestic violence, menacing, eluding police, reckless endangerment, multiple charges of disorderly conduct, furnishing alcohol to a minor, and eight counts of public drunk.

Sentencing is set for March in U.S. District Court in Mobile. Franks faces up to five years in federal prison.