Dear Annie: I just can’t leave her

Dear Annie: I’ve been in a relationship with “Wanda” for three years, living with her for eight months. She’s cheated on me many times.

When I found out, we’d already been dating for two years, so I figured I’d stay. However, I suspect it’s still happening.

On top of this, she hits me, spits on my face and calls me names. I guess it’s pretty clear that I need to walk away, but for some reason, I don’t. I think it’s because I’m 38 and have never had a serious relationship work out in the long term.

Call me crazy, but I just can’t seem to leave. What advice do you have for me? — Beleaguered Boyfriend

Dear Beleaguered: You deserve better. You owe it to yourself to get out of that house and out of that relationship.

Please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-7233) — which deals with all forms of domestic abuse — for emotional support and assistance making an exit plan.

Give yourself the chance to live the life you’re meant to live.

Read more Dear Annie and other advice columns.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].