North Alabama man faces 385 charges of porn possession

Florence police have arrested a man who faces 385 charges of possession of obscene material.

According to police, Joseph Luna was taken into custody Monday at a Muscle Shoals apartment. He was released from the Lauderdale County Detention Center on a $50,000 bond. Muscle Shoals police assisted in the arrest.

Florence police executed a search warrant on Oct. 12, 2023 at Copper Creek Apartments in Florence as part of a child exploitation case being investigated by local officials and agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. While serving the search warrant, Joseph Luna was identified as the suspect in the case, police said.

Multiple pieces of electronic evidence were seized during the search. Police said hundreds of files containing obscene matter, including some showing people under 17 years of age involved in obscene acts, were located.

Luna was arrested following a Lauderdale County grand jury indictment.

Last week, a Lauderdale County man was arrested on more than 1,000 charges related to possession and production of obscene matter.