Dear Abby: My camping guests don’t clean up after themselves. What should I do?

DEAR ABBY: My family and I love to go camping and invite friends and family to join us. No matter how large the group is, I tend to be the one cooking all the meals all the time. I actually love to cook, but some of our guests take advantage and don’t help out with food prep or clean up, or the setup or take-down of camping equipment. They don’t even pick up after their children.

One of them is a co-worker and good friend, and I don’t know how to approach her so that there are no hard feelings. I have actually considered not inviting that family again. I’ll miss their company, but my family and I think it’s rude not to help in any way. — NOT A HAPPY CAMPER

DEAR NOT A HAPPY CAMPER: I agree it’s rude not to offer to help one’s host in the situation you have described. Before inviting your good friend and co-worker on the next campout, have a chat with her. Explain that if she and her family decide to come along next time, you’ll NEED her to assist you with those chores. That way she’ll be warned and can refuse the invitation if it is not to her liking.

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Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.