Ask Amy: Should we support dad’s second wife after he dies?

Dear Amy: My wife and I agreed years ago to supplement my father-in-law financially after my wife’s mom passed away.

We have been sending him money each month.

He has gotten remarried.

We have continued to support him financially, however, now I am wondering if his second wife has any right to expect continued support after his death?

Is there a solution?

I’d like to continue to support him, but his wife as she is almost my age and supporting her would be an extremely long-term commitment.

My wife and I are trying to be good people, but we don’t know what to do.

Your thoughts?

– Wondering

Dear Wondering: This is a great question.

The quick answer is that after your wife’s father dies, strictly speaking, you and your wife are no longer related to his widow and therefore you don’t have an obligation to her.

However, there are many factors you should consider, including your own resources, her resources, your desire to possibly support other family members, your father-in-law’s estate planning, and – frankly – how you feel about the woman he married over time.

If your father-in-law has a long and lingering illness and his younger wife is devoted to him, then you might want to repay her kindness after his passing.

But does she have the right to expect your ongoing financial support? In my opinion, no.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.