Center Point City Hall is getting bulletproof glass: Here’s why

Center Point City Hall is getting bulletproof glass: Here’s why

Center Point will be adding bulletproof glass to its City Hall reception area, but it’s not in reaction to any incidents, Mayor Bobby Scott said.

“This is just the reception area, not the whole building,” Scott said. “It’s more of a preventive measure. We don’t typically have any incidents up here. We like to keep it that way. You never can tell sometimes.”

The Center Point City Council voted Feb. 15 to spend more than $12,000 on bulletproof glass.

“Just with everything that’s going on in the world, we wanted to be safe, that’s all,” said City Clerk Tameeka Vann. “They were just trying to put in safety measures for us.”

No one has ever fired shots at City Hall, Vann said.

“There hasn’t been any drive-by shootings or anything,” Vann said. “Just being cautious is all.”

The glass shield between customers and city employees will be upgraded.

“If somebody tried to shoot through the glass, it wouldn’t come through to us,” Vann said. “That whole front is glass. The desk is right up front. It’s just the front reception area where the customers stand to handle their business. That window and the door will be bulletproof glass. Right now, the entry door is glass.”

The city is waiting for an update on a timetable for the installation.

“A vendor reached out from one of our conferences that we go to,” Scott said. “One of council members thought it would be a good idea, so as a preventive measure we decided to go with that,” Scott said.

“We just want to take extra precautions,” Scott said. “We do have a glass that’s up at the reception area right now. We don’t anticipate any issues, but always better safe than sorry.”